
Choose Your Activities

The fully elective program was designed and implemented at French Woods almost 53 years ago. We are masters of elective and creative programming, we can work with any camper no matter what their interest or skill level is, and we pride ourselves on offering each camper a unique individual camping experience.

Our fully elective program allows campers to select their own activities. The Major and Minor option gives campers the ability to mix concentration, experimentation, fun, recreation, and exploration.

Majors & Minors

There are six activities per day, each one hour in length; three of these periods are called Majors and three are called Minors. Majors are chosen at the beginning of each session and are maintained for two weeks. Minors are chosen daily at breakfast. This lets campers concentrate on the things that interest them, while also providing the chance to try something new.

Our Staff

The entire staff at French Woods Sports and Arts Center provides world-class instruction in a safe, well-supervised, age and content appropriate environment. Each camper is encouraged and supported to realize and surpass their full potential in their chosen activity areas.

See Everything French Woods Has To Offer

Fully Elective