Frequently Asked Questions
Before You’re Here
Where is French Woods Sports and Art Center (FWC)?
FWC is located in the Catskill Mountains just outside the town of Hancock New York. We are 2.5 hours from New York City.
If I fly to camp, who will pick me up?
A French Woods Sports and Arts Center staff member will collect you from the airport. If you are a domestic flyer, you will be met at baggage claim or as you exit the concourse. If you are an international flyer, we will meet you as soon as you exit customs. Look for French Woods Sports and Arts Center staff holding sign in camp shirts and ID lanyards. All staff wear camp IDs at all times.
How long is the drive from the airport to camp?
The driving time is 2.5 hours. We usually stop en-route to camp for refreshments and for bathroom breaks.
When do I select my activities?
All activities are selected at camp. Majors are chosen once you’ve tried them after your first day at camp. Minors are chosen each day at breakfast for that day.
What is the weather like?
Moderate temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s (F) during the summer months.
What clothing items should I bring?
We will send you a full packing list of what to bring. Think casual.
Do I bring my own sporting equipment, laptop, music instrument, etc?
FWC has all the equipment you will need to participate in our programs. Of course, you can also bring your own, but please understand the FWC is not responsible for any damage or loss to personal equipment.
Camper bank account
Each camper is required to have a CBA set up prior to arriving in camp. The CBA is essentially a charge account. CBA money is used for lazy days, optional camp clothing from the camp store, snack items from the camp store, and other misc expenses. All money remaining in your CBA at the end of your session is returned after the summer.
Envelope Money
Envelope money is cash that you deposit in the office when you arrive in camp. Your money can be taken out at any time during the activity day and used for vending machines. This is separate from the CBA listed above.
Cancelation Policy
If you cancel before March 1st, you will receive a refund of monies paid less a $1000 administrative fee. All refunds are sent on or around May 1st. After March 1st, there are no refunds and this includes cancelation for summer school. Camper tuition insurance is available and will be sent once registered with your confirmation of registration. The insurance policy must be purchased within a certain timeline of initial camper registration. In order to avoid any uncomfortable situation, we will remind you of this again. We are very firm on this policy and no exceptions or variations can be made. Credits or transfers are not an option either. The Camping industry deadline is March 1st and we make this our deadline as well.
How is your staff selected, what is the hiring process, and what are their ages?
We exhaustively search the US and the world for the absolute best staff suited for our camp. Many of our staff come from a background in camping and education. In-person or video interviews are held, reference checks made and full background checks completed which include a criminal background and sex offenders background check. This is all done before a staff contract is sent. The average age of our counselors is 22 years old. All staff must have completed their first year at university.
Can I tour the camp before the summer?
Yes you can tour at any time, we live here and would love to show you around.
Once You’re Here
Who will I share my bunk with?
You will share your bunk with other campers your own age or within 1 year of your own age and 1 or 2 counselors.
When is my curfew?
This depends on your age group. Our earliest curfew is 10 pm and the latest curfew 11.30 pm.
What time do we wake up?
Wake up is 7:45 am. There are some days that we will let you sleep in for an extra hour and these days will be announced at camp.
What are the sleeping accommodations?
Campers sleep in bunks of 10-12 which includes counselors. Each bunk has its own large bathroom, plenty of electrical outlets, and ample dresser and closet space to completely unpack your bags. All buildings are climate-controlled with both AC and heat for maximum comfort.
What is visiting day?
At the end of every 2-week session we have a visiting day where multiple performances, exhibitions, and activities take place. Visiting Day is the culmination of a 2-week session and you get to show your parents what you’ve been working on. Parents, other family members, friends et.c are all welcome to visit. Lunch is provided.
What is the tipping policy?
We suggest $30 per bunk counselor every 2 weeks. Of course, you are free to show gratitude and tip any other staff member who you feel deserves a tip.
What and when is a lazy day?
Each 2-week session we have a lazy day. No Majors or Minors are held on these days. The activity we offer on Lazy Day can be an out-of-camp trip to an amusement park or an in-camp carnival.
Our Camper Laundry is open every day where our laundry staff wash, dry, and fold each campers’ laundry individually and have it ready to be picked up by 6pm .
We have a modern medical facility on-site staffed by qualified and experienced medical staff. If you take medication, our medical staff will manage and dispense your medication. If a camper stays in the wellness center all day or overnight, parents are notified. The nearest hospital is 15 minutes from camp.
Mail arrives in camp every day except Sunday via the US POSTAL SERVICE, UPS and FEDEX.
Feel free to use your own email address.
WIFI is available in the living areas.
Cell Phones
We do allow cell phones and other devices that access the internet in camp. All devices must stay in the bunk.
Camp rules/behavior
A full list of rules will be explained on the first day of camp. There are no major surprises and they are all common-sense rules.
Non-smoking, drug-free camp, alcohol-free camp
We have a zero-tolerance for smoking of any kind including E-Cigarettes, drinking of alcoholic beverages, and use of any non-prescription drug. This also includes ‘in possession of’ or ‘in the presence of’. No tobacco product may be used and any illegal activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities and the individual or individuals removed from camp.
Can a camper extend their time in camp?
Yes, if there’s room we would be happy to extend the session by any length. Remember we can be flexible with dates and can customize your session dates to suit.
What is the difference between a major and a minor?
Majors are chosen after campers have had the chance to sample activities on their first day. The majors stay the same for 2 weeks and are purely instructional. Minors are chosen each morning at breakfast for the day only and are more for fun recreation and exploration.
How do I contact my child in camp?
You can call, text, email, or video call their cell phones or devices. Alternatively, you can call the camp office and leave a message.
How do I contact the camp director?
Call the camp office and leave a message for him to call you back. All calls are returned the same day and usually in the evening unless urgent. Alternatively, email
Is there an after-hours emergency number?
Yes. 607-637-4698 or 215-460-4609.